Sunday, November 18, 2012

"It’s the foods that have come about since we started raising grains, about 10,000 years ago, that are causing all of the problems"

Paleo Diet: Can eating like a ‘caveman’ really make you healthy?

"The Paleo Diet, also referred to as the Caveman Diet or the Paleo lifestyle, says if we could just abandon the foods that came since the agricultural revolution, we could lose weight and ditch disease. It’s the foods that have come about since we started raising grains, about 10,000 years ago, that are causing all of the problems. Grains, legumes, and processed foods are the culprits, Paleo Diet followers say. And, proponents of Paleo argue, our bodies simply aren’t made to process these foods.
So, the solution, according to Paleo, is to eat like a caveman.
Eat lots of meat and fresh non-starchy vegetables. On a slightly more limited basis—add in some fruit and nuts. And that’s it. Grains, oils, legumes, and sugar are off limits. These foods, Paleo Diet folks say, are toxic to the human system—our bodies simply haven’t evolved at a pace equal to our food production.
But it’s important to note, the sustainability of this diet plan is questionable.
Anytime you cut out entire food groups, as the Paleo diet does, you run the risk of failure. Strict “diets” that draw lines in the sand and offer some trendy, quirky solution for weight loss are usually short-lived solutions. This diet does have some redeemable qualities—namely, the elimination of highly-processed foods. But, for most, it isn’t a realistic solution."

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