Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Diagnostic Medical Home: A Model for Health and Well-Being


Diagnostic Medical Home: A Model for Health and Well-Being

Bennett W. Pafford MD, MPHCathy A. Petti MD
From HealthSpring Global, Inc, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

"From lay press to scientific journals, changes in medical diagnostic technology have been described as revolutionary, disruptive, and transformative. And, without doubt, the era of “omics” (ie, genomic, exomic, proteomic) has forged exciting discoveries about disease, ourselves, and the world in which we live. In the near future, home- or office-based diagnostic devices will provide real-time information on disease indicators, such as cardiac status and blood glucose levels, and perform preventive screening. However, our health care system appears to be in a state of uncertainty on how to manage the data from these advanced technologies, and currently, no systematic approach has emerged. With experts claiming (with limited supporting data) that approximately 70% of medical decisions are based on diagnostic tests,1 we need to critically examine the architecture of our health care model to ensure that we are poised to optimize the data from our diagnostic transformation."

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