Friday, August 14, 2015

"... there is reason to be skeptical of FDA regulations concerning effectiveness."

Using the FDA as a Club against Competitors

"Few people would deny that there is a role for federal regulations addressing the safety of health care products and services. For instance, physicians and consumers should be confident that any pharmaceutical marketed in the U.S. contains the type and quantity of active ingredients advertised. It’s also reasonable to require disclosure of all other ingredients to avoid adverse interactions and to protect patients with allergies.

However, there is reason to be skeptical of FDA regulations concerning effectiveness. In fact, it’s only through mission creep that the FDA became involved in determining effectiveness. Yet there is growing evidence that regulating effectiveness is counterproductive. Traditionally, the FDA gauged the effectiveness of a drug by studying its effect on a large population of patients. We’ve learned in recent years that some drugs may be ineffective for most patients but very effective for specific groups of patients. This has led to the common sense conclusion that it’s wrong to reject a drug merely because it is only effective for a small group of patients -- and has given rise to the new field of personalized medicine."

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