Sunday, April 24, 2016

"Any health care 'reform' that intensifies government regulation or enlarges the role of insurance companies only makes a bad system worse."


Let the patient pay the piper, and the price of health care will fall

"Americans are forever being told that health care costs are out of control and that only sweeping government intervention can bring them back to earth. Obamacare was supposed to make medical plans more affordable, but premiums are higher than ever . Bernie Sanders campaigns on a platform of “Medicare for all” — single-payer socialized health care — yet any such system would inevitablylower the quality of care while raising prices still higher.
Any health care “reform” that intensifies government regulation or enlarges the role of insurance companies only makes a bad system worse. Like the woman described above, for most Americans, even their most routine and predictable medical costs must be routed through the maddening labyrinth of insurance procedures.
But nothing could be more counterproductive."

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