Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Obesity: Product of the nanny state? "Maybe if America prioritized growing up and not out, we’d be a whole lot better off."

America Needs an Open, Honest Conversation About Fat People

A TV news anchor yells "bully" when a viewer calls attention to her obesity, but she missed the mark.

"America’s obesity rate, and whether publicly calling attention to it, as well as obese individuals themselves, should be on the table.
This isn’t about bullying either. Does bullying exist? Of course. Always has and always will. And reasonable efforts should be made to fight it. But “bullying” has become the catch-all phrase we use whenever someone feels jilted, offended or bad about themselves. The truly tragic part is that combating real bullying has taken a backseat to an all-appeasing political correctness running rampant throughout America.
From social media to the schoolyard, we’ve reached the point where children are no longer permitted to fight their own battles. That paternalism leaves children woefully unprepared for that pesky thing called The Real World. And now we are seeing the results of crib-to-college coddling: Our businesses are sanitized, risk-averse Petri-dish experiments for social engineering; wars are fought so as to not offend the enemy, and scoreboards are often turned off in youth sports so a team down by five goals doesn’t cry and quit.
Maybe if America prioritized growing up and not out, we’d be a whole lot better off."

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