Thursday, May 26, 2016

"...per capita cheese consumption in the United States is 64 percent higher than it was in 1975..."

Got cheese? America's Great Cheese Glut of 2016

"What is to be done? We could try to eat through the problem. You laugh, but the current level of per capita cheese consumption in the United States is 64 percent higher than it was in 1975, due partly to a richer society's growing taste for richer foods. In the short run, consumption might go up a bit, since the glut is making cheese cheaper.
What's more, the U.S. government has a long-standing pro-cheese-eating policy, which grew out of the need to do something with the subsidized excess of milk products generated by federal pro- production dairy policy - which, in turn, has persisted for decades despite declining consumer interest in drinking milk."

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