Monday, July 2, 2012

Veronique de Rugy: The Government We Deserve: Health-Care Edition

"Now, one thing is sure, this ruling didn’t shrink the size of the federal government. It is also unlikely to increase our freedom today or tomorrow.

But I will say this: With or without this Supreme Court decision, we are and we will remain in terrible financial shape. We are in this mess today because for years now free marketeers and conservatives in Congress, along with the pundits and the policy people who support them, have agreed to significant compromises of their principles, often in the name of practicality or the claim that the other party’s proposal would have been worse (think about the Republicans’ argument for Medicare Part D). These compromises have produced the government we have today: It is big and it will get bigger; it is overreaching; it is inefficient (including the Department of Defense); it is wasteful; it corrupts the private sector and gets corrupted in return; and it doesn’t effectively help Americans, especially the poor."

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