Wednesday, August 8, 2012

‘To what should we cling?’

‘To what should we cling?’

A celebrated German historian recalls growing up in the shadow of Nazism
Not Me: Memoirs of a German Childhood, by Joachim Fest, translated by Martin Chalmers, Atlantic, RRP£20, 336 pages

"In this thoughtful and subtle memoir, expertly translated by Martin Chalmers, Joachim Fest chronicles the helpless astonishment with which educated Germans watched the gradual corruption of their country, their people and their beliefs. It is a subject that Fest has written about before, not only in his famous biographies of Hitler and Speer, but also in his capacity as co-editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. This book, however, which was first published in German shortly after the author’s death in 2006, is a much more personal view."

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