Friday, April 4, 2014

"...the tumour board concept is frankly defunct and we need to utilise these teams that have been built from the tumour board mentality and make them function with an online platform..."

Are tumour boards defunct?

The complexity of cancer, the risks and benefits associated with alternative treatment options, the care needs of patients, all point to the need for input from specialists in many disciplines. But are regular face-to-face multidisciplinary team meetings the best way to achieve this?

"...there’s no overcoming the idea that in today’s world of telemedicine, taking care of patients in rural areas, the need to save time, the tumour board concept is frankly defunct and we need to utilise these teams that have been built from the tumour board mentality and make them function with an online platform with as much participation as the patient is interested in, so we can get answers quickly, get the patient treated quickly, provide better care and hopefully save money at the same time."

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