Thursday, March 31, 2016

"...becoming overweight may make it harder for an individual to keep track of what and how much he or she has eaten..."

Obesity is growing Problem, Obese people are more forgetful – Pomona Health

"Episodic memory refers to the ability to vividly recall past events that one has taken part in. A person whose episodic memory functions at optimal levels can pinpoint the time and place of various personal experiences, the immediate feelings or thoughts triggered by those occurrences, as well as other contextual elements.
In order to recall the past in such great detail, one must first have to go through a stage called encoding, which allows a particular event to be recorded in one’s memory. Afterwards, consolidation must take place, whereby the old experience becomes more deeply ingrained in one’s long-term memory.
In other words, it is possible that becoming overweight may make it harder for an individual to keep track of what and how much he or she has eaten, potentially making one more likely to overeat."

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