"In the past I supported a health care mandate that would require everyone to have minimal insurance against catastrophic health events, such as cancers, that are very expensive to treat. Catastrophic insurance alone is pretty cheap since they are rare for younger persons, the main ones not covered either by private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. Since the great majority of individuals and families could afford to pay for such catastrophic coverage, only the real poor need have this coverage subsidized by the federal government."
"I agree with Becker (and with the Supreme Court) that the “mandate” in the health care law—the requirement that people who can afford to buy health insurance must do so on pain of having to pay a “penalty” if they do not—is within Congress’s taxing power under Article I of the U.S. Constitution, the article establishing the legislative branch of the federal government. Article I among other things authorizes Congress "to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises." The fact that Congress called the mandate exaction a penalty rather than a tax is of no significance. It was done simply because “tax” has become a dirty word in American political discourse. "
Health insurance is an important thing to do. You can handle all the cost regarding the treatment of your health with the help of insurances money.