Saturday, November 24, 2012

"The fact is, the only way to lose weight is to eat less calories then you expend"

Friday, November 23, 2012

Don't give me your excuses

Pamela Liuzzo DTR, CDM, CFPP


Reader Comments

Posted: Friday, November 23, 2012
Article comment by: The Facts

The fact is, the only way to lose weight is to eat less calories then you expend. Minus people trying to lose weight with magic pills or surgery, the two biggest mistakes people make with weight loss is this:

1)Underestimating the amount of calories you consume. People often don't take liquids (milk, alcohol, soda, etc.) and don't realize how quickly calories add up with appetizers, snacks throughout the day, and deserts. A single slice of cheesecake, for instance, can have as much as 800 calories. That's about half of what an average person should be eating per day if they are trying to lose 2 pounds per week.

2)Overestimating the amount of calories burned during exercise. Exercise is great, being in shape is great, but overall it doesn't burn as many calories as you think. I am 6'3" and over 200 pounds, and even then running a 5k only burns about 500-600 calories. That's not enough to compensate for the piece of cheesecake I just referred to! Some people also greatly exaggerate claims about how many extra calories you burn from the metabolism boost from running (which is not all that much. The extended metabolism from running the 5k, in my case, will only burn about an extra 40 calories that day). Another greatly exaggerated point is how having additional pounds of muscle will burn more calories per day. The fact is, a whole extra pound of muscle won't burn more than 10 calories extra for you in a day, so it hardly even plays a role.

My point is this: Abs are made in the kitchen. Eat less, eat differently, and know what you are eating.

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