Friday, May 17, 2013

Bill Mandating Drug Tests for Texas Legislators Advances: "a failed test would result in no consequences"

Bill Mandating Drug Tests for Legislators Advances

A bill that would require Texas legislators to submit to drug tests and pass the results to the State Ethics Commission was voted out of the Senate Committee on State Affairs on Thursday.

Senate Bill 612, by state Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr., D-Brownsville, would require state legislators to be tested for drugs the day they take office. The results would be made public only if permission is given by the legislator, and a failed test would result in no consequences.

Lucio says his bill is intended to complement two other initiatives in the Legislature this session that would require drug testing among certain populations.
"This session, we've had at least a couple bills move through the Legislature related to drug testing individuals who accept either welfare or state unemployment dollars,” he said in a statement.

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