Friday, February 7, 2014

"Childhood obesity and lack of exercise are early risk factors that could affect the condition of our arteries."

Researcher warns of childhood risk factors for arterial disease

Childhood obesity and lack of exercise are early risk factors that could affect the condition of our arteries. According to a dissertation by Tampere University medical licentiate Heikki Aatola, if people don’t change their unhealthy lifestyles, younger people will be at greater risk of succumbing to ailments such as coronary artery disease.

"Many parents are familiar with the mantra "Eat your vegetables, they’re good for you." There’s good reason why it has become a household refrain. The risk of developing vascular disease declines if good lifestyle habits are established from early childhood. New research continues to reinforce this finding.
“In particular insufficient physical exercise and obesity are key risk factors for vascular health,” Aatola said.
His dissertation argues that children should eat lots of vegetables and fruit.
"Children who eat lots of fruit and vegetables have healthier arteries in adulthood than those who don’t eat as much," he explained."

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