Thursday, February 27, 2014

" has become common to use “tsar” in this way, even though one might think that the buried historical allusion suggests that any such role is not going to end well…"

The battle for the English language

Why are books about English grammar and correct usage so popular?
But they are all how the style tsar of the Guardian rules that things must be—which must make it the dream job for anyone who combines progressive politics with a marked hostility to capital letters (incidentally, it has become common to use “tsar” in this way, even though one might think that the buried historical allusion suggests that any such role is not going to end well…). Marsh is good on the peculiar idiom of news reporting, and especially on the distinctive art form that is the newspaper headline; you have to forgive a lot to anyone who, for a story about funding cuts to some Essex libraries, would use the headline “Book lack in Ongar.”

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