Saturday, April 21, 2018

"...when the night owl tries to live in a morning-lark world..."

Here’s why night owls are likely to die early

New study reveals alarming side-effects of sleep deprivation

"It’s unclear exactly why night owls are more likely to die than the early risers in this time period — and the study only established a correlation between the two, not cause and effect. But the researchers had some ideas.
'We think the problem is really when the night owl tries to live in a morning-lark world,' Knutson said. 'So they want to be up late but they have to be up early for work and so the time that they’re doing things, like waking up or eating, is not at the correct time for them.'
That tension between an evening person’s preferred routine and the routine of their environment also tends to lead to more irregular schedules, she added."

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