Saturday, December 15, 2018

"So the controversial question remains. How do we practice body positivity while also promoting health and well-being?"

Maintaining Body Positivity in Light of the Obesity Crisis

Are plus-size fashions ignoring a major health epidemic?

"So the controversial question remains.  How do we practice body positivity while also promoting health and well-being?  While in eras long past, a little healthy fat was a sign of wealth which distinguished them from the starving poor, it is now often those in the lowest socioeconomic brackets with the least access to healthy foods that struggle with obesity; meanwhile the Hollywood elite juice, fast, and if needed liposuction their way into teeny tiny apparel.  While no one denies fat-shaming as unacceptable, how do we simultaneously consider it ok to keep grocery shelves stocked with hybridized dwarf wheat-products, trans fats, high fructose corn syrups, and GMO foods and then just expand our clothing sizes exponentially to accommodate the toxic waste we are being encouraged to put into the temples that are our bodies?" 

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