Friday, September 2, 2011

The Health Care Compact

Allen: What health care compact means

"The health care compact initiative has united those who do not believe that the “one size fits all” federal approach will work. The compact does not decide what health care reform should look like; it changes who makes that determination — individual states rather than beltway bureaucrats."

"The health care compact has been introduced in 15 states and has recently become law in Georgia, Oklahoma and Missouri, as well as Texas. In more than 30 other states, citizen groups and state legislators are actively considering the compact, working to make it law in those states as well. Once the Congress ratifies the health care compact, member states may then move forward to develop their own, tailor-made, health care reform that fits the needs of the residents of that state."

"To learn more, please To understand the health care compact more from a physician’s perspective, please visit"

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