How George W. Bush Would Have Replaced Obamacare
Avik Roy, Contributor
"But universal coverage is hardly incompatible with market-oriented health care. Indeed, Switzerland shows us that a wholly-private, market-based health insurance system can achieve universal coverage while spending far less money than the United States spends today. It would be a tremendous achievement for conservatives to install a market-based system for universal coverage, one that would stabilize our deficit while solving a genuinely pressing public-policy problem, a problem that today provides unnecessary fodder for socialized solutions.
In sum, then, the Bush plan of 2007 is a worthy foundation for market-based health reform, in that it shows how capping the employer tax exclusion can free up health-care resources for other purposes. But a true plan for replacing Obamcare will use some of those resources to provide tax credits to the uninsured, achieving universal health care.
This may seem like a lot of abstract theorizing. But we are less than two months away from a Supreme Court decision that may throw out Obamacare in its entirety, or dramatically reshape the law’s configuration. The time to consider plausible alternatives is now."
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