Friday, June 28, 2013

Inside Higher Ed: Dan Currell: What is College For? "I hope colleges never discuss why their customers need their services."

What Is College For?
June 28, 2013

"If the “old economy” conversation was about how to gain more customers for your service, the “new economy” conversation is about why any customers should want this sort of service to begin with.  It’s a scarier conversation, and it forces companies to think harder about what they are for. 
I hope colleges never discuss why their customers need their services. These are communities, not big box stores. But the college version of that conversation is this: What are we for?  What’s the goal?  Since there are now innumerable other (and cheaper) ways to be educated, why are we doing this?
The colleges with a compelling answer to that question – where all 3,000 people know the answer – are going to be fine."

Read more:
Inside Higher Ed 

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