Tuesday, March 27, 2012

From the Guardian: Healthcare law: supreme court to focus on mandate in second day of hearings


Healthcare law: supreme court to focus on mandate in second day of hearings

Nine justices to examine constitutionality of the so-called mandate that requires citizens to buy insurance or face a fine

"Tuesday's arguments will allow the justices to examine the constitutionality of the so-called mandate that requires everyone to buy insurance or face a fine. The Democrat-appointed liberal minority of four justices was expected to uphold the Obama plan. But a ruling in favour of the law would require at least one of the five conservative, Republican-appointed judges to break ranks.
The administration says Congress has ample authority to impose the insurance mandate, arguing that health care costs consume 17% of the American economy and are susceptible to the federal regulation of national commerce. Opponents demand the law be struck down as an unprecedented extension of federal power over individual liberties. They say that not even decades of high court rulings that endorsed an expansive view of congressional authority can support the health care law."

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