Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Senator Ron Johnson: Health care case is 'Pivotal moment in American history'

Sen. Johnson on Supreme Court ObamaCare case: 'Pivotal moment in American history'


"Johnson claims that for decades, the federal government has taken away individuals' freedom to make their own decisions.

"The precedent this is all based on was 70 years ago, when the Supreme Court ruled in a unanimous decision that a wheat farmer could be fined for growing wheat for his own personal consumption," Johnson told Mueller.  

"I can't think of any more basic freedom, more basic human right than growing food for your own purposes, yet the federal government, 70 years ago, said 'No, we can regulate that.'  We're begging the federal government to let us be able to decide what products we actually buy.  If the Supreme Court doesn't allow us that freedom, what is left?"

The Senator says he ran and won his seat based on his opposition about the ObamaCare plan.

"We need to bring free market reforms.  We need to get government out of health care, instead of interjecting more government into it.""

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