Sunday, December 30, 2012

From the Voice of Russia: "No wonder that today the media hardly mention the Pussy Riot case at all." (then I will)

2012. Recap. Pussy Riot against common sense

“No one says that they deserve an applause. However, if they had been fined or sentenced to 15 days of imprisonment it would have been a more adequate response. Now just look at the western press that does not understand the first thing about Orthodox churches but reports that the girls sang a song against Putin and were given a prison sentence.”

“A church is not the right place for making political statements. Neither a Muslim mosque nor a Christian church should be used for such escapades. I’ve been involved in political struggle for 18 years but it has never crossed my mind to use debauch in a church as a method to convey my political views.”
The scandal with the lawyers does not only concern the political brand. Yekaterina Samutsevich whose real prison term has been replaced with conditional imprisonment is demanding that her former lawyers should give her back the keys to her flat, her passport and other documents. In her interview with The Voice of Russia she said that, to put it mildly, she was puzzled by the behavior of the lawyers whom she had trusted.
The public resonance immediately came to naught after the sides started to launder dirty linen in public and throw mutual accusations of lies and profiteering. No wonder that today the media hardly mention the Pussy Riot case at all.

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