Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"the government is undaunted by the prospect of running exchanges in half the states or more"


Governors aside, feds building health care markets

WASHINGTON - Don't look now: The feds may be gaining on GOP governors who've balked at carrying out a key part of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul law.

Opponents of the law say they won't set up new private health insurance markets called exchanges. But increasingly it's looking like Washington will just do it for them.

That means federal officials could be calling the shots on some insurance issues that states traditionally manage, from handling consumer complaints to regulating plans that will serve many citizens.

Unless Mitt Romney wins in November, that could turn into a political debacle for those dug in to fight what they denounce as "Obamacare."

Read more: http://www.philly.com/philly/health/20120807_ap_governorsasidefedsbuildinghealthcaremarkets.html?cmpid=138896554#ixzz22rkNopMf
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