Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Zombie allusions: They just keep on coming-from the Stone Age?

Stone Age people may have battled against a zombie apocalypse

Discovery of skulls with their faces smashed in posthumously suggests Neolithic people believed the dead posed a threat to the living.

By Bryan Nelson

"But here's the creepy thing: many of the 10,000-year-old skulls appear to have been separated from their spines long after their bodies had already begun to decompose. Why would this skull-smashing ritual be performed so long after individuals had died? Did they only pose a threat to the living long after their original burial and death?
If it was a ritualistic exercise, it also begs the question as to why only select corpses were chosen. All of the smashed skulls were from adult males between the ages of 18 and 30. Furthermore, there was no trace of delicate cutting. It appears that the skulls' faces were simply smashed in using brute force with a stone tool.
Of course, there's almost certain to be a rational explanation for all of this. Then again, it's also fun to consider the possibility that these findings represent evidence for a Stone Age zombie uprising."

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