Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Zombie allusions: They just keep on coming-interrupting a broadcast of "The Steve Wilkos Show" devoted to teen cheaters


Zombie Alert Hoax: Emergency Broadcast System Hacked

Mathew J. Schwartz

Emergency alert: zombies are rising up in Montana.
"Civil authorities in your area have reported that the bodies of the dead are rising from their graves and attacking the living. Follow the messages onscreen that will be updated as information become available. Do not attempt to approach or apprehend these bodies as they are considered extremely dangerous."
That Emergency Alert System (EAS) voiceover warning, preceded by the standard, staccato EAS attention signal, ran Monday afternoon on CBS affiliate television station KRTV in Great Falls, Mont. The EAS warning interrupted a broadcast of "The Steve Wilkos Show" devoted to teen cheaters.
"We had four calls checking to see if it was true. And then I thought, Wait. What if?" Sorenson said. But he noted that KRTV hasn't contacted the police department to report the incident or request an investigation, and said it's unclear what penalties someone might face for hacking a television station's EAS.

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