Sunday, March 26, 2017

The worst carcinogen

The worst carcinogen: Being overweight

"For instance, for every 5 kilograms/m2 gain of body mass index, there was a 9 percent increase in the risk of colon cancer and a 56 percent increase risk of biliary tract (such as gallbladder) cancer in men. For postmenopausal women not using hormone replacement therapy, every 11-pound weight gain increased the risk of breast cancer by 11 percent. The affect was cumulative, meaning being overweight by 25 pounds increases the risk of breast cancer by 25 percent. Even scarier, the risk of endometrial (lining of the uterus) cancer increased by 21 percent for every 1/10th increase in the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference. For those of you who have heard that being “pear-shaped” is better than “apple-shaped,” meaning carrying your extra weight on your hips, this is one of those cancers that highlight the difference."

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