Friday, August 10, 2012

Team Romney statement on health care reform: "an unforced error of monumental idiocy"?

Health-care reform: Has Team Romney embraced the individual mandate?

Conservatives have howled over the health-care reform law's requirement that people buy insurance. But recent comments from the Romney campaign have some wondering if the presumptive GOP nominee is now embracing it.      

By Staff writer / August 9, 2012
"Has Team Romney endorsed the individual mandate, the central pillar of President Obama’s health-care law that the GOP otherwise loves to hate?
A Romney official seemed to indicate that Wednesday.
Commenting on the harsh ad just released by a pro-Obama "super PAC," in which an ex-steelworker basically blames Bain Capital for his uninsured wife’s death, spokeswoman Andrea Saul told Fox News that “if people had been in Massachusetts, under Governor Romney’s health-care plan, they would have had health care.”"

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