Saturday, December 1, 2012

"In the 1950s and '60s, the favorite vegetable of children in the United States was spinach. That was because of Popeye"

CBS NEWS/ November 30, 2012, 5:30 PM

Obese kids more susceptible to food advertisements, brain scan study suggests

The researchers wanted to measure the kids' brain activity when viewing the ads. Children were also surveyed before and after the study to gauge their hunger and self-control levels.
Obese kids showed greater activation in the rewards and pleasure centers of the brain, which lit up when they saw the food logos, compared with when they saw non-food logos.
Healthy weight kids on the other hand also showed signs of brain activation when shown the food labels, but in brain's self-control centers. Healthy weight children were also more likely to report greater self-control when surveyed after, compared with the obese children.
The researchers say the study adds more evidence to research that shows obese people may have a tougher time with self-control because of their brain activity.
"In the 1950s and '60s, the favorite vegetable of children in the United States was spinach. That was because of Popeye. Even then we see marketing having a huge influence," Bruce said. "If kids are always getting what they want and getting unhealthy things, that could lead to changes in the brain."

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