Saturday, December 1, 2012

Zombie allusions: They just keep on coming-doing their part to keep the 2nd Amendment strong

Zombies are among reasons for increased gun sales


"Gun sales are soaring across the country. The FBI reported earlier this week requests for background checks skyrocketed 20 percent on Black Friday over the same day last year. A noted gun rights advocate says zombies are just one reason why.

"A lot of people appear to be really enthralled by this. I've seen lines of zombie targets, I know one or two ammunition companies have introduced boxes, lines of cartridges they called zombie cartridges, shotgun shells and rifle shells."

But clearly other more serious worries are playing a much bigger factor. 

"They're defending themselves because they know that even though the police try to do a real good job...when seconds count as they say the police are minutes are away. People have decided 'Hey I can't wait for the cavalry to come to my rescue I've got to defend myself and my family and my home,'" he said."

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